Living SMALL in so many ways.


Living A Life - Minimalist to it’s finest

We are so excited to get the shed done. We decide we are going to wait with building a home and living area in a shed...until the housing prices come down. We just don’t feel like paying 4X the amount. Our plan, pull a camper in the shed, buy a kitchen on FB swap and build two bathrooms ( boys and girls), a small office ( I don’t want balls thrown at my computer and need it quiet for my zoom calls) plus one room at the top for a bedroom. Yep, that's VERY small ( or extreme) you might say to get us to buy until prices come down. We are going to keep praying and see where God leads our family of 6.

Without air for a few days, and chicken just making themselves at home. Lance and I are remembering all those who are serving for our freedom. I saw this post on my cousin’s wall a few days ago. Our cousin Jason, is serving away right now, and knowing what he has to do daily really puts in perspective what he is doing for us. WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR ALL THOSE WHO FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM.


“What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger”


It works!

We are thankful for the trees, running water and a real toilet in our outhouse Lance built. He is so gifted in so many ways.

Here are a few photos I took over the month of June. We sold cattle, dug in our own septic tank, with the help of Jace, Syd, Kyra. We poured the rest of our floor in shed and in all that had a tractor burn down. Thankfully Lance got out ok, as he drove it home from the mechanic of course. In all of this I found out Lance is an amazing provider, electrician, plumber, contractor who loves his family. We keep smiling knowing God always provides for our family. We are excited to use our OLD barn wood and get the inside done so we can start to decorate. Rustic is our theme….Stay tuned for my next post.